Monthly Archives: July 2016

Zesty Summery Marinated Veggie Pasta


Tonight, to complement some previously prepared ground pork, I made a very nice pasta dish. (If I do say so myself.)

Nearly final result of summery zesty veggie pasta
As close to a final result as I have a picture of…

Here’s what I did:


(Note: Many of these ingredients are just seasonings. It’s actually a fairly easy recipe. A bit more time-intensive than some, and I wouldn’t have time for it most of the time during the school year. But since I’m procrastinating on studying for my comprehensive exams at the end of the summer, this works out great for right now!)

  1. 1 serving of Spaghetti
  2. 1 Cup of Broccoli (I used fresh. Hooray for summer!)
  3. 1/2 a Zucchini
  4. 1-2 cups of either spinach or kale
  5. 1 large clove garlic (although I’d recommend more…)
  6. zest from a lemon
  7. zest from a lime
  8. Grated ginger
  9. 1/2 lemon
  10. 1/4 lime
  11. 2 squirts of chili oil
  12. 1 shake of cumin (more would be better, so you can taste it)
  13. a pinch of red pepper flakes
  14. a shake or three of salt
  15. a little bit of olive oil
  16. 1/3 C shredded jack cheese (optional)


  1. Chop zucchini and broccoli into reasonably sized pieces. Stir in with zest, pepper flakes, 1 squirt of chili oil, juice from 1/4 lime and 1/4 lemon, and ginger. Let sit for a while.
  2. Start water boiling for pasta
  3. While water is boiling, in a large frying pan, heat oil, pour in marinated vegetables. Add the garlic, cumin, and salt.

    Vegetables in a frying pan
  4. When water is boiling, pour in the pasta, cook according to directions to al dente
  5. After the initial stirring of the pasta, pour the kale/spinach into the veggie mix. (You don’t want to over-cook these!) Note that at this point especially, you should be using fairly low heat. I always use lower heat than I might, due to non-stick pans, but you don’t want burnt kale/spinach/leaves-of-some-sort.
  6. As needed, incorporate a spoonful of the pasta-water, and the remaining 1/4 lemon. (This allows the veggies to steam as well.)
    Veggies with kale on top
    Kale added


  7. When pasta is ready, take the pasta out of the water and place it into the frying pan. (Note: I did not rinse my pasta this time.) Turn heat down even LOWER.

    Nearly final result of summery zesty veggie pasta
    THIS is where this picture fits in…
  8. If you haven’t already done so, squeeze in the 1/4 lemon.
  9. Stir / combine
  10. When pasta is incorporated, put onto a plate
  11. If using cheese, now’s the time to pour it on top.
  12. Enjoy!

So, yeah. This was a more time-intensive, slightly more expensive recipe. But it was very tasty. (I had a serving of ground pork I’d previously cooked to go along with it.)

Pull-Apart Skillet Biscuit!


As may recall from the previous post, I just recently got a new miniature cast-iron skillet.

And tonight, I made a pull-apart biscuit, using premade buttermilk biscuit dough.

Cut into small pieces. Put into skillet. Bake according to directions.
Cut into small pieces. Put into skillet. Bake according to directions.

The caption basically has all the directions… I used some form of pre-made dough, took an individual biscuit’s worth, made mini dough-balls from the single biscuit serving, placed int the skillet, and then baked it in the toaster-oven. (Note: I needed to go up a few degrees and cook for a while longer than indicated on the packaging. I’m guessing this is primarily due to the toaster oven itself. But, yeah. Be aware of that.)

The end result was quite good.

Pull apart. Eat. Enjoy. :)
Pull apart. Eat. Enjoy. 🙂




So, I’m not actually posting a recipe today. But, I (finally) ended up getting a cast-iron skillet, and I’m ridiculously pleased with it.

In large part, because it’s tiny!

I got a 3.5″ skillet. It was $5 from Amazon, it fits in the toaster oven, and it’s a good way to become accustomed to caring for cast-iron. (Speaking of which, I just made another biscuit and therefore need to finish re-seasoning the thing…)

Skillet that's barely not too small for a stove-top
Look! It fits! It’s NOT too small!
Small skillet with an individual size bread.
It fits a mini-bread-biscuit-thing

Anyway. Have a lovely day!

Water Deluxe with a variation


Today’s recipe is an excellent summer recipe. Possibly even comparable to the double-coolmint chocolates. It requires a few more ingredients, but it takes a bit less time. So, yeah. This is an excellent Summer drink:

Water Deluxe

Ingredients / Required Serving Implements

  1. 1 Cup of desired size
  2. Lemon Juice
  3. Ice (optional. I generally haven’t used this, but it should work.)
  4. Straw (semi-optional)


  1. Put ice and water into the cup
  2. Pour an appropriate squirt of lemon juice into the cup, according to taste preference. Just enough to make it slightly tangy works.
  3. Stir around (Why the straw is only semi-optional. A spoon would also work)
  4. Let sit for a few minutes to let flavors combine
  5. Enjoy (non-optional).

Variation 1

  1. In addition to the lemon juice, cut or shred a small amount of ginger.
  2. Place the ginger into the cup of the original recipe Water Deluxe.
  3. Stir
  4. Enjoy