Monthly Archives: March 2017

The “Yes I AM technically an ‘adult’, thank you for noticing!” Victory Dessert


So, yesterday, I officially finished one of my hardest academic setsĀ ever. So far, anyway. So, I decided to make myself a dessert. Here are the directions.

The “Yes I AM technically an ‘adult’, thank you for noticing!” Victory Dessert

Victory Dessert
VICTORY! So sweet.
  1. Finish somethingĀ major. Like, a combination of term papers, grading, tough quarter/semester, whatever. Something that’s a victory.
  2. Scoop ice cream into a bowl. Use a single spoon so that you can feel good about yourself because it’s “only a spoonful”.
  3. Sprinkle with little capsules of joy. (aka, sprinkles.)
  4. Put dessert in freezer while you clean up the result when “joy overfills” due to overzealous sprinklage.
  5. Bring dessert-in-process out of freezer after rainbow joy bits are cleaned up.
  6. Insert “Birthday-cake” Oreo.
  7. Insert Funfetti Cake Cookie.
  8. Top with honey cheerios.
  9. And butterscotch-chips.
  10. And chocolate chips. (Not shown.)
  11. Insert spoon.
  12. VICTORY.
