I’m in process of making more bagels. I just finished kneading the dough, and this time I’m letting them sit overnight so they can be very fresh tomorrow. (We’ll see how that goes…)
But anyway. This time, I actually invested in a pastry stirrer cutter thingy, and watched a video on kneading dough. The video was actually for white bread, but the technique still worked.
Sorry I haven’t posted in… almost a year? Wow. I’ve been busy, and I’ve mostly been using old recipes. So, nothing new to share.
But today. Today was fun. I didn’t invent this recipe, but I decided to actually try making bagels!
I (mostly) Followed this recipe, with the exception that I 1) likely didn’t knead for as long as I should have, 2) didn’t bother with the egg wash, and 3) added a tablespoon of brown sugar to the Boiling Water Bath.
They turned out nicely!
Home made. 🙂
Anyway. This was a lovely Saturday activity. But I expect it would be a nice Sunday activity, too. Regardless, yay food.
As may recall from the previous post, I just recently got a new miniature cast-iron skillet.
And tonight, I made a pull-apart biscuit, using premade buttermilk biscuit dough.
Cut into small pieces. Put into skillet. Bake according to directions.
The caption basically has all the directions… I used some form of pre-made dough, took an individual biscuit’s worth, made mini dough-balls from the single biscuit serving, placed int the skillet, and then baked it in the toaster-oven. (Note: I needed to go up a few degrees and cook for a while longer than indicated on the packaging. I’m guessing this is primarily due to the toaster oven itself. But, yeah. Be aware of that.)
So, no recipe today… but I GOT A NEW TOY!!! It’s a silicone mini loaf pan, and I’m basically in love. It’s a very lightweight 100% silicone (it passed the “pinch test”) mini-loaf-sheet-thingy. And it is the best non-stick silicone I have ever used, I kid you not. Probably because it’s so thin and flexible.
Or maybe I actually put enough oil in. Whatever.
But yeah. I kindof went a little overboard with the baking (and eating baked goods) today…
Mini Loaves of various sorts.
The two types of bread pictured include a normal (for me) variation on a yeast bread (except, you know, with that leftover nut flour I made, a bit of flax, and estimation on the salt…). The others are a slightly sweeter bread. I got inspired by an idea I saw for a strawberry quick-bread that used strawberry puree, and so I mixed up a bit of a berry puree thingy with some water and milk to get the proper fluid amount that the beer-bread recipe called for. I also added a handful of dried cranberries.
I baked the berry-bread at about 350 (I think, maybe 375) for about 15-20 minutes, or until it looked done. (I know. So helpful…)
The result is delicious. I have had waaaay too many of those mini-loaves today.
I’m definitely going to make some mini beer-breads with this new pan! And other quick breads. And normal breads. And who knows what else, because this mini-loaf-sheet-thingy is fantastic. (California Kitchen, by the way, if you’re interested.)
Recently, my apartment-mate hosted a BYOB party thing, and for some reason we got to keep the leftover beer. That left us with a very full fridge. So, I decided to turn some of that beer into bread! (Yay free beer!) I originally made one using this recipe.
Then today, I decided to modify it a bit to make it healthier. Or at least, “heartier”. (Yes, I’m making beer healthier. No, that’s not the normal direction I go — usually I successfully make health-foods unhealthy/tasty.)
So, here’s the recipe.
Nutty/Grainy Beer Bread
1/2 cup mixed almond/pecan flour. (I used my lovely, lovely VitaMix Dry Container to create this one. I put a 1/4 cup each of Almonds and Pecans into the blender. That ended up making at least 3/4 cup of flour, probably closer to 1 cup.)
1/4 cup original oatmeal.
1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour, spooned into the measuring cup.
1 C white flour, spooned into the measuring cup.
1 TBSP baking powder
1 tsp salt
1/4 C sugar
1 12-oz container of beer. (I used an Amber Ale.) (Minus about a sip…)
About 2/3 stick of butter (melted)
Preheat oven to 375 F.
Grease a loaf pan thingy
combine dry ingredients
Gradually pour in beer. (I did it about 1/3 at a time.)
Mix until flour is moistened. Do not overmix– it’s supposed to be lumpy.
Pour into greased loaf pan
Pour melted butter over the dough
(Optional) Sprinkle more nut-flour & oats over the top
Bake for 45-60 minutes, until golden brown
Let cool for about 15 minutes
Random note…
I have yet to figure out how to get the loaf out of the pan without the bottom sticking. I’m wondering if cooking it for less time is the answer, but I don’t know. I’m not actually complaining too much, since the crust is one of the best parts, and therefore if it separates from the loaf I can have the bottom crust all too myself! BWAHAHAHA! But, yeah. I thought you’d want to know.